DIY Egg Facial Mask

25 Mar

Hello Beautiful People !

Today, I’m sharing with you one of my favorite facial treatment. It’s easy and quick to prepare, and your face will love it ! Let’s try en Egg White Facial Mask !

Basically you just need an egg white. I’m sure you always have an alone egg white after a cooking session, don’t you ? There is often this moment when you wonder how you are going to use it to avoid wasting it. Easy solution, treat yourself to a firming facial treatment !

Easy and Natural:  white firming, anti-wrinkles facial mask - NaturoceRecipe :

Put the egg white in a bowl and whisk it a little bit until foaming.

Then apply it to your face and clivage. It shouldn’t drip too much.

Wait 10/20 minutes and remove the egg with water.

Then apply your facial oil/cream.


Why would you put an egg white on your face ?

Allright, you will smell like a cake but once you’ll see the effects, you’ll agree with me. Egg white is firming and you will feel its tightening effect while the mask is drying. As well as when you remove it your skin feels so nice and firm. My pores are tighter and my skin is really soft.

It’s good for preventing and diminishing wrinkles !

For your information, egg white contains a lot of water (about 80%), some proteins and a little bit of minerals, vitamins and glucose. Thanks to its proteins, egg white is cleansing, anti-bacterial, anti-microbial and tightening.

Egg white is good for all skins but don’t abuse from it because it could irritate you if you use it everyday. I treat myself to an egg white facial mask once a month.

If you have an egg yolk left, use it to brighten your hair. Whisk it and apply it on wet hair like a conditionner.

If you’d like more natural and easy facial masks recipes, have look here.

Soon an article to learn how to wash your hair with an egg.

It’s quick, easy and super practical (especially if you’re traveling).

Have you tried ? Are you using eggs for your beauty ?

Now scramble 😉


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